Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy 2014! Back in Action


A new year starts and it's time to get back into blogging.

Thanks to all who got in touch during my absence. I guess work and life just took hold, and whilst I don't have as much time to update, (student days are well and truly over :( ) I'll be doing my best to add content from time to time in 2014. As usual, this will include a highlight of hot bondage and kink from around the web and personal updates, although with the porn universe that is Tumblr there's such an abundance of bondage and kink porn around. Whilst this is great, sometimes it can be an overload. I've always liked to think that my blog could be a more concise and curated platform for the things that get me hard. Nothing more. It's a vanity project for me alone, but if you get some pleasure out of it also, even better.

For a daily steam of related images and videos you can still follow me on tumblr at

I've also created a new Tumblr blog for my various "gear" fetishes. I've got a thing for attractive guys wearing all sorts of gear. Skin, Rubber, Leather, Uniforms, Suits, Sports etc. This blog features less sex, less bondage, just guys looking hot in gear that pushes my buttons. If it does the same for you then do follow.

I'm also still tweeting from time to time.

Happy New Year! I hope 2014 is filled with even hotter, more depraved and just down right awesome kinky play.


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